Shift your fear to fuel your confidence
When was the last time you were afraid to do something you wanted to do? For me it was yesterday…and the day before that...and the day before that. This is something that comes up often when I want to do something new, and it scares the bejesus out of me.
Fear of action comes in different forms and usually we don’t even realize what is holding us back. Sometimes it shows up in the form of procrastination and finding excuses. Many times fear shows up in continually choosing the comfort-zone, over change, because it’s easier, even if it’s not very comfortable. Staying in the comfort zone keeps us stuck. It is putting our potential behind bars.
So where does this fear come from? For many people fear comes from feeling that they are not-good-enough. It is the lack of confidence in our ability to do the things we are meant to do. When we let fear dictate how we act we are giving our power away. We are living a confined life and we are robbing ourselves of experiencing greatness.
Recognizing where fear shows up for us allows us to question the source (and truth) and allows us to channel that energy into confidence. Confidence gives us the courage to live with intention, pursue our goals, and create greatness. Some might think that once you feel confident you will no longer have fear, however by challenging your fears you are opening the door and making space for confidence to take root.
Challenge your fears and build feelings of self-worth. When a fear shows up, ask yourself:
How valid is this fear?
How do I benefit from letting this fear control my life?
What does this fear stop me from doing?
What is the best thing that can happen if I ignore the fear and take action?
Oftentimes we will realize that our fears are not valid and the best outcome far surpasses the worst-case scenario. Creating confidence out of fear allows us to share our gifts with the world. Believing I CAN allows us to take risks, to live to our fullest potential, to show up for ourselves, and live our truth. This enables us to live with purpose.
Our purpose is the value we bring to our environment. Our purpose fuels everything we do and benefits everyone around us. Our energy is influenced by our sense of purpose. If people don’t see a connection between what they are doing and their vision, then their engaged energy will be adversely affected. When you discover your purpose and you incorporate it in everything you do you increase your feelings of self-worth, ultimately increasing your happiness and fulfillment.
As our confidence and feelings of self-worth increase, we permit ourselves to live big, to implement our big ideas, to ask questions, and create change. We empower and inspire, and live an impactful life.
We all have a higher purpose. For some of us determining and fulfilling that inner purpose may seem unrealistic and scary. Do you ever feel held back by your fear? Are your feelings of self-worth keeping you from taking action and pursuing your goals? Feelings of self-worth come from years of environmental-programming and mindset. Fortunately, these can be shifted and we can all feel empowered and confident to pursue our passions.
The process of building confidence and increasing feelings of self-worth doesn’t happen overnight. Continually applying the below strategies in your life will strengthen your confidence, push you to take action, and help you create the life you imagine and deserve.
Create a detailed vision for what you want in your future. Imagine it, feel it, taste it, smell it. How bad do you want it?
Visioning will help you feel what it would be like to actualize your dreams and will give you the courage to pursue it.
Emphasize Strengths:
Shift your mindset from focusing on what you can’t do and focus on what you know you can. Think about a time in the past when you had to overcome a challenge, determine and focus on strengths you used to be successful. Channel those strengths and the prior success to create confidence for the future.
Ask yourself:
Where have I been successful in the past?
What about me enabled me to create success?
How can I use my past experiences to fuel future action?
Positive Self-Talk:
Challenge your inner critic. Change the way you talk to yourself. When you have a new idea your first thought might be to judge it or to think that no one would be interested. Catch yourself as you are doing this and shift this to positive encouraging words.
As you diminish the power and space your inner critic takes the more space and power you will create for positive thoughts and feelings.
Take Risks:
Step out of your comfort zone.
The comfort zone holds you back from exploring and realizing your potential.
Do the uncomfortable or scary thing because you want it bad enough. Your feelings of self-worth will grow as you create positive change in your life. You will build a muscle for overcoming fear and get stronger and more confident in the process.
BE-lieve in yourself:
Your true authentic self IS enough! Believe it!
At the end of the day you only have yourself to answer to. Living an authentic life will attract the people and experiences that are right for you. It will connect you with your purpose and allow you to live your desired life.
Create your goals and action plans based on what you want. Go after the things you want no matter what anyone else thinks. You are the one living your life, do what makes you happy.
Thank you for reading.
With gratitude,